Experiential tourism for the raise of Sicily

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Assovini envisions a green future made up of digital and territorial integration for the Sicilian supply chain.

Assovini Sicilia takes stock of the scenarios that Sicilian wine will face in the near future, where sustainability, enotourism, digital and foreign markets will be detected, for which the association that brings together over 90 Sicilian producers already has clear useful answers. to guarantee the future of the island’s wine production.

First of all, the enhancement of Sicilian wine tourism is fundamental, declined in a multiplicity of dimensions that accompany wine accommodation, wine trekking, picnics between the rows and cooking classes. “Sicily has what it takes to be an immense Napa Valley – says Laurent Bernard de la Gatinais, president of Assovini Sicilia -. If until some time ago, wine tourism was limited to tasting, today we aim for something more diversified and complex. Hospitality is a complete way to promote the Sicily of wine, from small to large wineries, because wine tourism brings together territory, wine, nature, food, relaxation, conviviality“.

Great attention is also paid to sustainability, which the association pursues through the SOStain Sicily Foundation, whose regulations govern numerous green-themed aspects, which wineries must comply with in order to obtain a brand to be affixed to the bottle. “It is essential that a message reaches companies and consumers – comments Alberto Tasca, president of the Foundation -: SOStain is not a simple certification program. It is a path aimed at continually improving the level of sustainability, to raise the bar every year and bring aggregate benefits to the entire regional wine sector and to the health of the area in which we work “.

The restart of the wine sector must, on its part, take into account two essential elements: exports and the digital market. The first represents about 50% of sales for Assovini’s shareholders, while the digital market, from being a secondary tool, has become important, due to the effects of the pandemic. “If in the past the Association had the need to shout to the world the existence of a different Sicily, of quality, today, the time is ripe to tell the protagonists of Assovini Sicilia in detail, with the awareness of being part of a mosaic representing the continent of Sicily ”concludes Assovini’s President.